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Growing Roses

IntroductionRoses are multi annual plants which originated in Asia, capable of standing for years in your garden if taken care of properly.
There are many varieties of roses:
Dwarf, tall, climbing, and spiny. In addition, there are about 250 different varieties of roses and all feature one flower or more at the end of the branch.
In Israel there two main varieties of roses – the "sidonian rose" and the "dog rose".
During the winter most of the roses go into dormancy, until spring comes, buds wake, and a colorful blossom appears.
Here are some recommendations for growing roses that can extend the life of the rose and the length of bloom:

Light - in terms of levels of sun, it is always important to check before selecting the plant planting are.
Roses like full sunlight, so if you to plant them under a tree or shade netting make sure there is no obstruction of more than 30% of sunlight.
Lack of sunlight reduces the amount of flowers and flowering time and may cause hypersensitivity for disease and decay

Irrigation - roses needs a lot of water in an orderly manner and needs about 5 liters a day in summer, and even during winter, it has to receive a generous irrigation.
It is recommended to connect the potted rose to an irrigation computer in order to have an organized irrigation program that will prevent lack of water or creating excess water which can cause the fall of leaves.

Fertilization – roses need regularly fertilize twice a year.
Period of fertilizing is at spring and early summer. It is recommended to fertilize at early sprouting stage using slow releasing fertilizer.
Recommended fertilizers for roses are fertilizer solution containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (like the "20:20:20" fertilizer sold at the Garden Center).
When using granulated fertilizer, disperse the granules under the drip lines in order to make them crack and reach the roots.
It is advised to give compost (odorless one..) around the rose about 5 cm from soil level, and bury it after dispersion using pitchforks.

Pesticides - Roses are sensitive plants to many diseases and pests, the most common are: powdery mildew, Wheat rust, and aphids, which can severely damage the rose.
Today there is solution for these pests by using designated substances:
Powdery mildew: sprol, tahiston, ofir.
Wheat rust: sistan, simeshoopar, sprol.
Aphids: maltion, sistan, simeshoopar, confidor.
These substances are applied by spraying the foliage of the rose or by inserting into the irrigation system.
All these substances can be purchased at the Garden Center.
Attention! Do not spray "Roundup" directly on the rose, instead, use only "ronstar" grains on a clean surface.

Pruning – usually the pruning will be done at the end of the winter, during late January – February (with the appearance of the buds).
In the summer, it is recommended to prune immediately after flowers decay.
In the winter, if it was a warm winter the pruning can be delayed but it is recommended to cut at least the weak branches.
It is also recommended to prune some branches in the middle of the rose in order to allow more sunlight to enter thus allowing the rose to develop better.
Using a good quality sharp shear will reduce the possibility of infecting with diseases and fungi comparing to using a flat shear.
Be noted – do not prune climbing roses on their first three year.
After the pruning it is advised to apply a unique ointment on the pruned surface of the branches that will prevent infections. Topping flowers that have finished blooming will encourage new blossoms.

Spraying against weeds - after pruning, clean up the area from dry branches leftover, and then disperse "Ronstar" grains against weeds between the rose bushes - preferably before the rain to help the substance to penetrate the soil and work better.

growing roses | hashtil nursery | irrigation | fertilizer | shear | garden | garden center
Hashtil (Tidhar) Nursery - a nursery specializing in producing vegetable seedlings, flowers, and spices, with an emphasis on quality seedlings and high level of customer service. Many efforts are made at the nursery to continuously improve the quality of growth in all areas such as the level of raw materials, sanitation, treatments, fertilizing and irrigation, in order to provide farmers a healthy and durable seedlings, which can yield crops. Nursery services are provided throughout the country using a delivery service that provides fast and flexible response to customer requirements. All information provided on the site is only a recommendation. Use of the website is subject to the Terms Of Use. all rights reserved to Hashtil (Tidhar) Nursery Ltd.