Orchid Pavilion

Orchid Pavilion

A unique orchid pavilion – one of a kind in Israel, with controlled temperature and humidity to maintain optimal growth condition for the orchids.
You are invited to visit the new pavilion made of wood and glass. Experience for all orchid lovers!
You can also buy unique orchid growing mix consisting of coconut fiber adapted
Especially for its fine roots, and a unique fertilizer for orchids.
At the nursery you can purchase orchids from the following types:
Single orchid
Coupled orchid
Elegant orchid in a vase

Orchid growing recommendations:

Irrigation – the orchid has air roots which feed from the misture only and therefore sensitive to excess water and poor water quality.
It should be notes that most orchids die from excess water rather than from lack of water.
Orchid watering frequency ranges from once In Ten days in the winter to once or twice a week in the summer. Do not leave your orchid when the bottom bowl is full of water, because soaking in water can create fungus and kill the orchid.

Sun – place the orchid inside the house at a lighted place but with no direct sun.

Temperature and humidity - Orchids come from tropical areas and therefore orchids like humidity. Most appropriate moisture level for growing orchids is between 40% and 70% and therefore you should not place it near the air conditioner, which dries the moisture in the air. Orchid's natural temperatures are between 18 and 25 degrees, these are the temperatures that will allow you to enjoy a longer time from the orchid's blossom

Growth substrate – it is recommended to grow the orchid on a dedicated substrate for orchids which consists of tree shreds and coconut fibers.

Fertilizer – it is recommended to add a dedicated orchid fertilizer solution (sold at the Garden Center) to every watering. If you don’t have such fertilizer, it is recommended to use a fertilizer which contain the following elements: potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
It is advised to avoid using of concentrated fertilizer solution – please follow the dosing directions shown on the fertilizer package.

Container type – orchids do not require a large pot, so no need to rush to transfer them to larger vessels. It is advised to store them in clay pots which keep moisture.
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